The Adventures of Medical Spouse

A Blogumentary on the life, issues, headaches and butt-aches of the Spouse, Partner, Wife and Computing Saviour of the Doctor in training as well as those of his close and distant relatives. I am compiling current views, (it's residency ya'll) stories from the last 8 years(admissions, placement, school, the match, residency and the search for real work) and advice for others in the same strange and (uh) wonderful situation.

Saturday, September 03, 2005

We've got the Job!

Long, long ago, in a time far far away when Robb was applying for med-school, we said;
"We are never moving south of the Mason-Dixon line."

Long ago, when applying for residency we said;

"We are never moving south of the Mason-Dixon line."

Months ago when we were deciding where to go as a real Doctor, we said;

"We are never moving south of the Mason-Dixon line."

We just decided to accept a position south of the Mason-Dixon line.

We had been visiting friends just north of Chattanooga, TN. We had a wonderful time, very relaxing. We didn't really consider moving to the area. A few days after returning, I get a phone call:

"Mrs. Ecker?, This JJ, have you heard of Chattanooga Tennessee? We have a position for a Dermatologist there."

"Who is this really? Jane, is that you?"

"Jane? No this is JJ from Dr. placement people. Are you familiar with Chattanooga?"

"Um, we were just there last week..."

So off we go back to Chattanooga for an interview (they wouldn't let us just send Robb), where we met wonderful people, saw nice places to live and found a really good practice for Robb, run by terrific people. And TA DA! We are now moving to the
South. (ba ba ba bummmmm)

My friend from England said he had seen the news reports that the Civil War has been over for some years now, however little bits and pieces do seem to still crop up. The flying of the Confederate flag is still pretty common and there are some in the South who still regret not being able to secede from the Union.

Religion is somewhat of an issue, seeing as we are Jewish and there aren't many members of the tribe down there. However the Jewish community is very close knit and truly welcomes newcomers in like family. (This could be good or bad...) We know there is still alot of ignorance and bias about minorities of any sort, but hey, ever travel to rural Wisconsin? When the welcome wagon lady came to visit us right after we moved to Waunakee, Wisconsin, she asked what church we might like to be affiliated with. I told her I was Jewish and her response was, and I quote;
"Well, I don't think we have that kind of church here in Waunakee?"
However we have found folks to be mostly open to learning something if they wanted or if a situation came up with the girls at school.

On the other hand, we found that people really were warm and friendly in the South, and we ran into generosities and kindnesses we had never found in the North. Things move more slowly, sometimes infuriatingly so, but once you get into the rhythm of it, there is far less stress. My doctor, who lived in Memphis for some years, told me I would have to learn to speak much more slowly and some folks down there said our accents hurt their ears. Frankly, the feeling is kinda mutual, but I suspect we will all get used to each other.


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