Why this Blog? The Mid-Life-Crisis
This blog is really to allow me to vent, tell stories and possibly educate and enlighten others on the adventures awaiting the family (and believe me it is the whole family) who enters medical school. It is not a journey for the weak of heart, weak of stomach, or weak of mind for that matter. These stories are mostly from the point of view of myself, x-computer nerd, mother, wife, coach and a host of other things like "Person deeply concerned over the Spirituality of Humanity". (That's a whole other Blog) However, there are a few stories from friends collected over time that really exemplify what is facing the unsuspecting into the wonderful world of medicine.
It is amazing how little I knew about the forming of a Doctor. What happens behind the white coat, beyond the little examination room, how this person wielding a stethescope got to wield that cold little instrument and other cold little instuments for that matter. I've found that, just the opposite of the sausage factory and children, it's been really good to see how a doctor is made.
At 2:03 PM , Anonymous said...
What an inciteful blog. I feel for you. Good luck.
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